New Delhi: The All India Kisan Sabha, a Left-leaning farmer outfit, on Tuesday slammed Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for ruling out any monetary help from the Centre for farm loan waiver and said it will burn the Minister's effigy. "Farmers are not begging for any favour but are demanding their rights. The farmers are indebted due to the wrong policies of the government," the AIKS said in a statement.
The AIKS said farmers will burn an effigy of Jaitley on Friday to protest his "anti-farmer" stand. AIKS is the farmers' front of the undivided Communist Party of India. It said the Centre had failed to ensure the M.S. Swaminathan Commission's recommendation of 50 per cent profit above the production cost for all crops. Jaitley had on Monday said that states would have to generate funds from their own resources for loan waiver.