Shah hits out at Rahul, rejects graft charges in Rafale deal

National |  IANS  | Published :

New Delhi, Aug 10 (IANS) BJP President Amit Shah on Friday hit out at Congress President Rahul Gandhi, saying he is not a "sahabzade" who has got the top post due to a family.

Shah also rejected charges of corruption levelled by former Union ministers Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie in the Rafale fighter jet deal, saying credence should be given to the Defence Minister's statement and not those "who did not get jobs."

During an interview after unveilinga a book "Blueprint for an Economic Miracle" authored by Pradeep Gupta at Constitution Club, Shah expressed confidence that people of the country will again elect Narendra Modi as Prime Minister with a better mandate than it got in 2014.

Answering questions from the moderator, he refused to speak on Rahul Gandhi hugging the Prime Minister in Lok Sabha during the debate on no-confidence motion.

"I will not comment on it. It is not my level," he said.

But he took a jab at him when he was asked if the BJP will have to work hard to win assembly elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

"Paseena bahana hamare swabhav me hai (working hard is in our nature)...hum koi sahabzade nahi hain jinko parampara me parivar mila hai (I am not sahabzade who has got family in tradition)," he said.

To a question over allegations of corruption in Rafale deal leveled by former Union ministers Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie, he said Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the base price of Rafale fighter aircraft negotiated by the Modi government is less than what was finalised by the UPA.

"Will you give importance to the Defence Minister's statement or those who did not get jobs," he said, adding the government has already clarified on the matter following Opposition charges.

He expressed the hope that the BJP will retain power in all the three states with a comfortable majority because the government in these states have addressed the concerns of the people.

Listing the achievements of the Modi government and the welfare schemes being run by it, he said the people have decided to again elect Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister.

"There is no doubt about it," he said.

In response to a query about fugitives Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallya, Mehul Choksi and others who left the country after allegedly looting public money, the BJP chief said the Modi government will take every step to bring them back.

"The process to bring them back is already on. There is fear among all those who loot public money," he said.

Asked about posters put up by Trinamool Congress against him a day before his rally in West Bengal, Shah said it has benefited him and people will attend the rally in large numbers.

"Our state unit has no money. These posters have given me publicity. Tomorrow there would be a huge gathering," he said.

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