Karunanidhi, the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, is the most prominent political leader in the country. At the age of 95, he became the eldest of all major political leaders in the country. Karunanidhi became the largest leader of contemporary leaders in the country, as the Chief Ministers - Union Ministers - Governors - as prime ministers - are not as old as any of the leading party presidents.
After 1969, Karuna was one of the two mainstream Tamil Nadu. He is the president of the DMK for 48 years. This is what the world record is that political parties say. The same political party in the world has not ruled officially for such a long period of time.
Karunanidhi is famous as a journalist - novelist - poet - script writer - as an actor - producer-educator. He was writing the words that he was writing to the people ... he had been giving lectures to the then famous Tamilnadu people in the early years of his political career. There are times when people who have been mesmerized leaders as well as good speakers in Telugu have also made speeches that make copies of the dialogue then.