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Frequent Fever can be a symptom of HIV. Look at these other symptoms...

Health |  Suryaa  | Published :

Right now we are all fighting against Corona. Somehow we are coexisting with it. Everywhere we see, all the news channels are only about Corona. Everyone is taking precautions and on the lookout. The corona has slowed down a bit and now again a new type of variant is rising. But, HIV came before all of this. Nobody cares much about it lately but it is an untreatable virus. The only way to prevent this infection is to take precautions. Almost everyone has forgotten that Fever is also the basic symptom of HIV,  except that these days everyone thinks it's Corona. Frequent fever is a symptom of HIV.

Awareness about HIV prevention has increased a lot among the people of the country but still not many people are aware of the symptoms that come with its onset. Doctors say that frequent fever and constant tiredness may be a symptom of HIV. If this is the case it is best to get tested immediately. The virus attacks the body's immune system. Thereby reducing the body’s ability to fight disease. If a patient with this disease has any other disease the risk is significantly increased.

The basic Symptoms of HIV are Frequent fever, persistent headache, feeling tired, Sudden weight loss, joint pain, profuse sweating. Whitening of the mouth is one of the early symptoms of HIV. Symptoms of the virus include scarring, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and diarrhea.

Apart from these, if a person has a non-recovering and suffers from cough, cold and fever, he/she should be tested for HIV. This is because the body's immune system is damaged due to this infection.
To date, there is no effective treatment for AIDS. So these precautions should be taken.
Unprotected relationships should be avoided.
Blood should be tested by a doctor before taking it and giving it to another person.
Only disposable syringes and needles should be used when giving injections.

According to the Union Ministry of Health, the number of people living with HIV in the country is around 24 lakh. The number of AIDS cases has dropped by 37 per cent in the last nine years, according to reports.

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