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Never eat sprouted seeds on an empty stomach. Here's why...

Health |  Suryaa  | Published :

Sprouted seeds have many health benefits. Grains such as peas, black peas, and legumes, if soaked overnight, will sprout the next morning. Taking these sprouted seeds on a daily basis not only helps in weight loss but also in relieving other ailments. Apart from improving digestion, it also improves blood sugar levels and prevents heart related diseases. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin D and other nutrients. However, germinated seeds that are good for health are in some cases harmful to health. Taking these on an empty stomach in the morning is also dangerous.

Green seedlings contain harmful bacteria which causes food poisoning. Problems such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting develop after 12-72 hours of eating sprouts. Children, pregnant women, and the elderly have these problems more than anyone else. For some, however, germinated seeds cannot be digested. They should put a little oil in a pan and fry the seeds for a while. Boil them in salted water for 5-10 minutes and eat them. Seeds taken in this way are good for the digestive system.

Experts say that green sprouts are harder to digest compared to heated sprouts. People who suffer from stomach related problems, other health problems should take boiled sprouts. When heated, the body fully absorbs the nutrients in it.

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