Palghar (Maharashtra), Dec 7 (IANS) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested an Inspector of Central Good & Services Tax in Maharashtra's Palghar for allegedly demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a complainant, an official said on Tuesday.
Acting on a complaint registered against Inspector Siddharth S. Kaushik, serving at Range V, Boisar - a small industrial town in north Maharashtra, the CBI sleuths laid a trap and nabbed him red-handed while accepting the bribe from the complainant.
The CBI said that the complainant had accused Kaushik of demanding a bribe of Rs 20,000 in return for not serving him notice and allowing a matter of non-filing of Service Tax Returns to rest.
Kaushik was produced before a special court in Palghar and has been remanded to two days' CBI custody, while further investigations are underway, said the official.