Yuvraj Singh's former teammate Zaheer Khan had an unexpected answer. Zaheer Khan tweeted that Pakistan's former Pakistan paceman Zaheer Khan had 62 wickets in the 90s and three wickets for Pakistan. Yuvi tweeted that he was doing tweets between him and Zaheer Khan.
Responding to Yuvraj Zaheer sid... Yes I am doing tweets ... but are you doing fielding? He did. The conversation of these tweets is impressed by both fans. In the match against Sri Lanka, Yuvraj Singh missed two boundaries and a boundary. Zaheer responded in this way. Zaheer made the top-order wicket with fastest bowling with excellent line and length but was weak in the fielding field. Fans were told that the dive was to fight Zaheer.
62 needed of 90 with 3 wkts in hand , very interesting to see how it finishes from here ... #CT17 #SLvPAK
— zaheer khan (@ImZaheer) June 12, 2017
Oh tu bade tweet kar reha aj kal ki gal ?
— yuvraj singh (@YUVSTRONG12) June 12, 2017
I am tweeting like you @YUVSTRONG12 but why are you fielding like me ??? Hahaha https://t.co/FaPx75Kn8Q
— zaheer khan (@ImZaheer) June 12, 2017