Cultivation Business Idea: Earn Upto Rs.80,000 monthly with just half acre of land

Business |  Suryaa  | Published :

Mint has a special place in the recipes of mutton, chicken biryani and sambar. Without it the dish would lose its taste. Farmers do not think much about the importance of mint cultivation. Farmers who are familiar with the fruits of mint cultivation are reaping the benefits on a daily basis. Yields can be achieved for 5 to 6 years with a single investment.

Cultivation method
Five square feet of land for mint cultivation would be sufficient. The land should be Ploughed. Three tractors of cattle manure should be applied and incubated for 15 days. In addition to this, DAP should run in ploughing. Then mint stalks should be cut and sown. The stalks grow well over the course of a week. Yields begin within 30 days as the leaves become larger.

Water taps
For mint cultivation, it is advisable for the farmers to set up sprinklers and provide water taps. Watering for just half an hour every three days is enough. Water drips down the leaf and stem. This will kill the pests and insects and keep the leaves fresh.

Marketing ‌
Mint yields can be sold to weekend markets as well as to nearby towns. Weddings and functions are high in summer so demand should be taken to the mint market.

Rs. 2,000 for ploughing, Rs. 10,000 for livestock manure, Rs. 5,000 for fertilisers and Rs.1000 for pesticides. In total Rs. 18,000 to 20,000 will be invested.

Get down
With 5 square feet of land you can yield about 2,000 units of mint leaves per month. As the percentage of nutrients provided in the soil increases, the yield increases by another 500 units. With the yield of mint, the farmer gets a daily income. Thus, in an area of ??just five square feet, one can earn up to Rs. 22,000 per month. However, if the crop is grown on an area of ??about half an acre, the income can be around Rs 80,000.

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