Kanpur, Dec 28 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, took a dig at the Samajwadi Party when he referred to the Piyush Jain episode and said that some people always want to take credit for all that is being done.
"Now when suitcases full of cash are coming out one after another, will they take credit for this too? They have spread the 'itr' of corruption," he said while speaking at a rally in Kanpur.
The reference to 'itr' was the launch of 'Samajwadi 'itr' - a perfume launched by perfumer Pampi Jain last month.
The Prime Minister said that the people of Uttar Pradesh now know the truth and watching every incident very minutely.
Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah also mounted a blistering attack on the Samajwadi Party when he said that ABCD for SP meant -'A' for apradh, 'B' for -bhai-bhatija', 'C' for corruption and 'D' for danga.
"BJP has wiped off this ABCD. When Piyush Jain was raided, it was Akhilesh Yadav who felt uneasy. Who does this money belong to?" he asked while addressing a rally in Hardoi.