New Delhi, June 17: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said that the BJP has submitted an affidavit in the Supreme Court, stating that it won't implement the Swaminathan Committee report, which promises 50 per cent profit to farmers.
Speaking at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)'s National Farmers' Conclave, the Chief Minister said that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power promising to implement the report and now by denying it, "they're cheating farmers".
"No one knows about this. Every farmer should be told how they've been cheated. We want to take this affidavit to every farmers' house and this will be our first job," Kejriwal said.
He added that farmers were not asking for alms but only compensation for their work. "Everyone should take a vow that Swaminathan Committee report will be implemented. It's our responsibility to ensure that farmers get proper price for their produce."
The conclave, which began at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Constitution Club of India here, saw the participation of farmers' representatives from 20 states and top AAP leaders.
In the first half of the conclave, farmers' problems were discussed and in the second half, solutions were worked out.
Kejriwal said that the conclave came to the conclusion that cold storage markets should be set up for marketing and procurement of farm produce.
He also said that agro processing industries should be created near villages. "This will provide employment to youth in villages and they won't have to go to cities for jobs."
The Chief Minister said that a special session of Parliament should be convened for discussing the current farmers' crisis and added that it shouldn't be limited to a discussion only.
Senior party leaders Gopal Rai, Sanjay Singh, Ashutosh, Kumar Vishwas and others took part in the conclave.