New Delhi, June 20 (IANS) Entry and exit from Delhi Metro's Rajiv Chowk station will be suspended till 8.30 a.m. on the International Yoga Day on Wednesday for security reasons, the DMRC said."As advised by Delhi Police, the entry and exit at Rajiv Chowk Metro station will remain closed till 8.30 a.m. on June 21. This has been necessitated in view of the security requirements for the ‘International Day for Yoga' which is being organised at Connaught Place (Rajiv Chowk) on June 21," said a Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) statement.
However, the interchange facility will be on as usual and passengers will be able to board and deboard from Blue and Yellow Line metros intersecting at the station.
"(The) interchange of passengers will be available at the station for Line 3and 4 (Blue Line) and Line 2 (Yellow Line) and vice versa during this period. Normal entry and exit for passengers will be available at the station from 8.30 a.m. onwards," it said.