Expected Heavy rains on Tuesday night and on Wednesday morning is bringing the temperature down all over the national capital Delhi. Temperature decreased to 23.7 degrees Celsius. Till Tuesday Delhi citizens suffered a lot with high temperature up to 32.2 degrees Celsius. Whether reports states that, Delhi recorded 20.2 mm rainfall on Wednesday, taking the total rainfall in June to 102 mm. Humidity at 8.30 a.m. was 92 per cent."There will generally be cloudy sky with a few spells of rain or thundershowers during the day," an official at the India Meteorological Department told IANS. The city witnessed heavy showers on Monday night as well, bringing Tuesday's temperature down to 23.2 degrees Celsius, five notches below the season's average.Heavy rain brings temperature down in Delhi, more showers expected yet. People in the city are happy with the rains after experiencing heavy and burning temperature in this summer. However, all the roads are blocked and everyone is suffering as there is heavy and non-stop rain fall in the whole state. Heavy showers are expected in coming days.