Justice Karnan was arrested by the West Bengal Police on Tuesday. Karnan’s arrest came after more than a month of sentencing him six months in Prison Judgment. Justice Karnan urged for bail in the supreme court soon after his arrest. The Supreme Court also denied him bail and said will not suspend jail term.
A vacation bench of Justice D.Y. Chandrachud and Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said that they can't suspend the sentence as the order of the sentence was passed by a seven-judge bench.
"Sorry, nevertheless," Justice Chandrachud said, declining the bail appeal. Karnan's arrest happened after lots of drama. Police informed that they have tracked Karnan and his families phones to track him. He was finally found in Coimbatore. Police tracked him before 3 days of arrest. It took 3 days to plan and arrest Justice Karnan as per the sources information. So,Supreme Court made it clear that they will not suspend Justice Karnan's Jail term.