Algeria: A man posted picture of himself holding a baby out of window in a high raised apartments. He posted that picture in his Facebook with a caption, “1,000 likes or I will drop him." As soon as he posted that picture it got promoted. It made people scared and concerned about the baby. Someone have reported that picture and police entered into this scene. Police arrested him on Sunday for doing this. Police reported that, this picture was taken when the child was hanged from the 15th floor of the apartment. The man in the picture is relative of the baby and he took mentioned that, this picture was taken with protective barrier and he would never even think of risking the baby’s life. Even the child's father requested the court to forgive the man, saying he had just been playing a game and they are aware of it. However, The Judge was against him and sentenced him for 2-years prison. The man jailed for hanging baby to get facebook likes. All the Algerians and other country people insulted the man for posting the picture and appreciated the authorities for punishing him. So, Algeria people who use social media should be aware of what they post.