JAT community is protesting in Jaipur. They are demanding quota. Today JAT community protesters blocked rails and roads in Bharathpur district, Rajasthan. Reports says that they have blocked roads and rails in 14 different places mainly in between Bharthpur to Mathura and Jaipur to Agra. JATS are considered as Other Backward Class (OBC) community in the state except in Bharatpur and Dholpur districts. The protesters are demanding reservation under the OBC category. In these two districts also. Congress legislators Vishvender Singh is leading this protest along with his followers. They are blocking roads and trains to pressure the government to make their demand come true. Vishvender singh said, that "We will continue to block rail and road traffic until the state government issues a statement saying what it will do with the OBC commission's report. We want a time frame for implementation of the recommendations" Police department is trying to take the situation under control.