In a horrific incident, a 35-year old man who claimed to be under the command of a ghost, chopped off his three-year-old daughter's ears in east Delhi's GTB Enclave on Thursday.Amrit Bahadur, who works at Urban Kebab, was allegedly reaching out for the girl’s neck, when he was stopped by the neighbors and handed over to the police.
When contacted, Ravindra Yadav, joint commissioner , confirmed the incident. The man has been arrested, after his arrest, he told the police that a ghost was whispering in his ear, directing him to make his daughter cry in pain. He told the police that the ghost asked him to donate the girl’s ear to him, else he would take her to hell with him.However, as the 'ghost' demanded blood, he sliced both the ears of the child and kept them in a corner.
As the child started screaming in pain, Bahadur's wife and other children, who have woken up by now attempted to stop him .The neighbours were then alerted who in turn immediately informed the police."When our team entered the house, the man was about to slash the girl's throat,said Nupu Prasad,DCP(Shahdara).
A case has been registered, father arrested. Child has been referred to AIIMS.he frenzied man was overpowered and taken into custody.The injured child was promptly rushed to Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital in the vicinity and was later shifted to AIIMS where a surgery to reattach her ears has been scheduled on Friday.
According to TOI, family members of Bahadur informed police that he has been hallucinating for a while now which only started after the death of his one-year-old daughter two months ago.“She was unwell and died a natural death. He said the ghost told him it would take his second daughter as well unless he did as asked,” said the officer, The Hindu reported. Amrit Bahadur had come to Delhi in 2000 from Nepal in search for a job and married his sister-in-law after his brother's death a few years ago