Chennai, June 24 : Puducherry Chief Minister V.Narayanasamy on Saturday said that Puducherry Port is all set to become satellite port with a dedicated development area of 200 acres around it where star hotels, theme parks and entertainment spaces under the Sagarmala scheme will come up.
Attending the South India Port Conclave held here by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Narayanasamy said that the Central government had evinced a keen interest in the development of Puducherry Port, all because of the Union Territory's strategic position that acted as a proper connect to the ports in the southern region.
He also said that the face of Puducherry would change enormously with the operation of the new port, after executing the dredging works in full.
Stating that minor port development has become the order of the day, he lauded the Central government for its proactive role in encouraging projects that have a bearing on the movement of cargo and passengers, as also the creation of container terminals in and around ports and putting in place proper dedicated corridors for easy operation of containers and other vehicles.
Delving on Puducherry getting included in the Smart City project, he said that a Rs 2,000 crore plan would be set in motion for the inclusive development of the regions in and around it.
According to him, Puducherry would provide capital and power subsidy as also allocate lands for those who wanted to start non-polluting industries, making use of the single window system for speedy project clearance, under the new industrial policy.