Security Council welcomes envoy's truce call in Yemen, response from parties

International |  IANS  | Published :

United Nations, April 5 (IANS) The UN Security Council has issued a statement, welcoming the April 1 call by UN special envoy Hans Grundberg for a two-month truce announcement on Yemen and the positive response from the parties.

The council members underscored the opportunity a truce affords to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of Yemenis and improve regional stability, according to the statement issued by Council President Barbara Woodward on Monday.

They urged the building of confidence through measures such as, but not limited to, the re-opening of Taiz road, and the regular flow of fuel deliveries, goods and flights, in accordance with the agreed truce, it said.

The council members called on all parties to seize the opportunity provided by the truce and work with the UN special envoy to make progress toward a comprehensive ceasefire and an inclusive political settlement, Xinhua news agency reported.

They expressed full support for the envoy's political consultation efforts, reiterated the urgency of an inclusive Yemeni-led, Yemeni-owned process, under UN auspices, and underscored the importance of a minimum 30 per cent participation in them by women, in line with the Outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference as recalled by Resolution 2624 (2022).

They welcomed the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative for Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue which launched last week, in support of the UN's own efforts. They expressed deep concern about Yemen's humanitarian crisis and underlined the urgent need to fund the humanitarian response, according to the statement.

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