Automobile manufacturer General Motors India on Monday said that it has begun regular shipment of the sedan version of Chevrolet Beat from its Talegaon export hub to the Latin America markets.
According to the company, a consignment of 1,200 Chevrolet Beat sedans was on Monday loaded for shipment to Latin America, following the start of production on June 5, 2017.
"Our Talegaon facility is a key export manufacturing hub for GM," said Asif Khatri, Vice President-Manufacturing, GM India.
"GM India's exports have more than tripled in the past year. GM was India's third largest passenger vehicle exporter in May - recording our highest monthly total of vehicle exports at 8,297 units."
Earlier this year, GM India began exporting the Chevrolet Beat hatchback to Latin American markets.
GM India exports the Chevrolet Beat hatchbacks and sedans to a number of left-hand-drive markets in Latin America.