Panaji, July 4 (SURYAA) Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Tuesday refused to comment on the controversy surrounding a BJP meeting held by party President Amit Shah on Saturday at Goa's Dabolim International Airport, which is operated from an Indian naval base.
Asked to comment on the controversy, which has resulted in a complaint filed with the Union Ministry for Civil Aviation against Shah and the Goa unit of the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), Parrikar said: "You have been told by the party. I do not want to comment on that."
Goa airport Director B.C. Negi has already said that a probe would be ordered to find out how a party meeting was held at the airport, for which permission no had been taken.
While the BJP has claimed that the meeting was a result of a spontaneous convergence of party workers at the airport on Saturday, the Congress has charged the BJP and Shah with acting in a "high-handed" manner and putting a sensitive installation to security risks.