GURUGRAM,JULY7:The CBI raided the house of former Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) Managing Director P.K. Goyal here, conducted searches, and took him along for further questioning on friday.
Informed sources said that during the search at Goyal's upscale DLF-1 area house that lasted for nearly six hours, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team took into possession some papers and a laptop.
"I am innocent. I have done nothing wrong. It's a long time since I retired," Goyal shouted out to the media while being take away by the CBI team.
The CBI on Friday filed a corruption case and carried out raids at the residences of Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad, his wife Rabri Devi and son Tejaswi Yadav, for alleged irregularities in leasing of two railway hotels to a private company when Lalu was the Railway Minister from 2004 to 2009.
CBI Additional Director Rakesh Asthana said in New Delhi that Lalu Prasad had allegedly granted illegal favours to Sujata Hotels through the IRCTC.
Also named in the case are Goyal and the wife of Lalu Prasad's alleged confidant Prem Chand Gupta.