Chennai, April 19 (IANS) In the past two days, senior IAS officer P. Amutha who is probing the Ambasamudram custodial torture case in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, has taken statements from almost all the victims and their families.
Sources told IANS that the victims have deposed against more cops, including women constables, for hitting them with lathis cruelly along with the suspended Assistant Superintendent of Police of Ambasamudram, Balveer Singh.
Balveer Singh has been accused of taking each of the victims into a room and plucking their teeth out with other policemen holding their legs and arms.
The victims have also alleged that he put gravel in their mouths and hit them on their cheeks till they bled.
Activist lawyer Maharajan who brought the matter before the public domain, has called upon the senior IAS officer to arraign more police officers as accused in the case.
Speaking to the media, Maharajan said that the policemen were willing accomplices to the cruelty carried out by the suspended officer, and hence they should be arraigned in the case.