Afghan govt spokesman to lead delegation to UN talks in Doha

International |  IANS  | Published :

 June 26 (IANS) Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of the Afghan caretaker government, will lead a delegation to the third round of UN-convened talks on Afghanistan, an official said. The conference is scheduled for Sunday and Monday in the Qatari capital of Doha, reports Xinhua news agency. A series of issues, including sanctions on Afghanistan, restrictions on financial activities and the banking system, and details about the Doha meeting, were discussed at a foreign ministry meeting on Tuesday, a spokesman of the administration's foreign ministry, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said on its X account. It marks the first time the caretaker government will participate in the UN-led meeting. The government was not invited to the first meeting last May and rejected the second in February. --IANS int/sd/dan

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