New Delhi, Oct 4 : New entrant COMIO India on Wednesday launched a new smartphone "C2" at Rs 7,199. The dual-SIM device sports 8MP rear and front camera with flash.
The device with 5-inch HD IPS Display houses a powerful 4,000mAh battery. The smartphones run on Quad-core 64 bit Mediatek chipset.
"With the launch of COMIO ‘C2', we are moving towards the vision of becoming leaders in the Rs 6k-10K (mid-segment). The 'C2' has been designed keeping the Indian smartphone user in mind, one who is looking for a fully loaded handset at an affordable price point," Sanjay Kumar Kalirona, CEO and Director, COMIO India, said in a statement.
COMIO has a data tie-up with Reliance Jio where it offers packages with additional data benefit.
Every COMIO user receives 5GB per month for four months. Moreover, with a recharge of Rs 309 or above, consumers will get a 5 GB additional data voucher on their handset, the company said.