Chennai, Nov 30 : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Thursday said orders have been issued to the Collectors of Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin districts to take necessary precautionary and relief measures as cyclone Ockhi approaches.
Urging the people not to be afraid, Palaniswami, in a statement issued here, said he has ordered the officials to ship people living in the low-lying areas to safer places and provide them with food and medical facilities.
A 70-member team from the State Disaster Response Force and two teams consisting of 60 personnel from the National Disaster Response Force have been sent to Kanyakumari district to take care of rescue and relief operations, he said.
According to the Indian Meteorological Department here, the Ockhi cyclone will move towards Lakshadweep over the next 24 hours and as a result, there will be rains in Tamil Nadu, south Kerala and Lakshadweep.
The weather department has predicted heavy rains in some places in Tamil Nadu's Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Tuticorin districts and Puducherry over the next 24 hours.
It has also warned fishermen on the south Tamil Nadu coast (Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Ramanathapuram districts) not to venture into the sea for the next 24 hours as there will be wind blowing at 65-75 kmph and the sea would be rough.
Meanwhile, strong winds and heavy rains in Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, and Tuticorin districts disrupted normal life and also uprooted several trees.
Officials have warned people to stay indoors.