New Delhi, July 19 (IANS) Jan Adhikar Party leader Rajesh Ranjan, also known as Pappu Yadav, on Thursday apologised in the Lok Sabha after Speaker Sumitra Mahajan asked him to do so for throwing papers towards the treasury benches.
Mahajan reprimanded him before allowing him to raise his demand for special category status for Bihar.
Ranjan, who was wearing an apron with words printed on it, rushed near the Speaker's podium during the question hour and later hurled papers, leading to an exchange of words with the treasury benches. He kept raising his demand as the House was conducting its business.
After he had returned to his seat, the Speaker asked him to apologise before allowing him to speak.
"Your behaviour was very wrong. It should not be repeated," she said.
Ranjan apologised and said he wanted to raise an important issue concerning 11 crore people of Bihar.