Chennai, May 22 (IANS) The Tamil Nadu government on Friday said an ordinance was promulgated to take temporary possession of late Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa's residence 'Veda Nilayam' located here.
In a statement issued, the government said Jayalalithaa's residence will be converted into a memorial.
According to the government, the ordinance will enable setting up of Puratchi Thalaivi Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Memorial Foundation for the purpose to be headed by Chief Minister K. Palaniswami and also include Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam and others as members.
Palaniswami had earlier announced the government's decision to convert Jayalalithaa's residence into a memorial.
The government said the building and all the moveable properties at Veda Nilayam - furniture, jewels, books and others are in a state of disuse. Hence all the immovable and moveable properties are transferred to the government for proper upkeep until the acquisition process is fully completed.
The state government on May 6 issued the notification under the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquistion, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 for acquisiton of Veda Nilayam.
According to the notification, the project does not involve displacement of families/relocation.
However, objecting to the acquisition of Veda Nilayam by the government, Jayayalalithaa's niece J. Deepa had filed a case in the Madras High Court. The case is still pending.
The residents of the Poes Garden had also opposed the government's move.
Jayalalithaa died in December 2016 after prolonged illness.