New Delhi, May 22 (IANS) A day after the Indian Railways started taking bookings for 200 special trains from June 1, within 24 hours the national transporter sold 5.72 lakh tickets for 12.5 lakh passengers. A senior railway ministry official said that for the 200 time tabled trains starting from June 1, a total of 5,72,219 tickets have been booked since Thursday morning for 12,54,706 passengers.
The railways has started booking online for the 200 special trains from Thursday morning on the IRCTC website and mobile application. However, later in the day, railways also announced to book tickets at the PRS counters, post offices, and through the IRCTC agents.
On Friday, PRS counters were opened at several locations across the country to book the tickets. The railways has suspended passenger, mail and express train services from March 25 amid the nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of novel coronavirus.
However, only freight and special parcel trains were running to ensure the supply of essential items across the country. The railways then started operating Shramik Special trains from May 1 to transport the stranded migrant workers, pilgrims, students and tourists. And on May 12 the national transporter also introduced 15 pairs of special air conditioned trains.