Mumbai, Dec 26 (IANS) Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur recently took her fans on a nostalgic journey by sharing her audition clip for the 2019 film “Super 30.”
Directed by Vikas Bahl, the biographical drama starred Hrithik Roshan as Anand Kumar, the mathematician who founded the acclaimed Super 30 program for underprivileged students. On Thursday, Mrunal posted a throwback video on her Instagram Stories, showcasing her audition for the film.
In the clip, director Vikas Bahl is seen praising the actress, stating she consistently stood out during the selection process.
In the video, Vikas can be heard telling casting director Mukesh Chhabra, “I was struck. At some point in the beginning, I realized she was the one. Even though we tested her three or four times and there were other girls, she was always ahead.”
In “Super 30,” Mrunal portrayed Hrithik Roshan's love interest. The film is based on the life of Anand Kumar, the math prodigy who established the Super 30 program in Bihar to help underprivileged students achieve their dreams of cracking the IIT entrance exams.
In an interview, Mrunal revealed that she was unaware Hrithik Roshan was part of the project when she auditioned. It was only four months later that she found out, and her first thought was of the iconic song “Ik Pal Ka Jeena” from Hrithik’s debut film.
“Super 30” was released on July 12, 2019, and received widespread acclaim for its inspiring story.
Mrunal, who began her career in television, became a household name with her role as the spirited Bulbul in the popular show “Kumkum Bhagya.” She later transitioned to films with her debut in “Love Sonia." Besides “Super 30," she has delivered noteworthy performances in films such as “Batla House," “Sita Ramam," and “Hi Nanna.”