No matter how strong the diet is after the age of sixty, the body weakens. The same strong diet gives energy to the body if taken in childhood and adolescence.
After sixty years, Rheumatic diseases increase. Excessive levels of harmful gases can cause many changes in the body of the elderly. Eat more cooked greens and vegetables that are inverted with cooking oil.
Completely ban curd and use diluted buttermilk in the summer and buttermilk soup in the rainy season and winter.
Do not intake refrigerated foods, cold water, stored legumes, carnivores, fish, eggs, fresh rice and white rice.
Eat lentils, beer, flaxseed, eggplant, lentils, onions, garlic, pomegranate, mango, lemon, orange and grapefruit. If found, use indigenous mustard seeds, avocado or gingerbread.
Gently massage warm sesame oil all over the body, especially in the evening and take a bath after an hour.