The government has allocated a fund of Rs.2 crore for development of temples in AP and the district resorting officials handed over the project to the engineering authorities of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). As part of the refurnishing works of project Gulla Seetarampuram, the temple in Santakaviti Mandal, Yendala Mallikarjuna temple in Tekkkali, Sangameswara temple in Santakaviti, Neelaveni temple in Patapatanam will be renovated. The AP govt has decided to develop and promote the temples in the district as tourism destinations.
The officials have also undertaken renovation works of Teluneelapuram bird sanctuary near Tekkali and the residence of noted Telugu writer of the freedom struggle era, Garimella Satyanarayana at Priya Agraharam."In the first phase of the development, Gulla Seetarampuram temple, Yendala Mallikarjuna temple and Neelaveni temple have been picked up and a fund of Rs.50 lakh has been allocated for undertaking renovation at each temple," says district tourism officer Narayana Rao. In The next three months works at Neelaveni temple and Yendala Mallikarnjuna temple are likely to be completed, SSA divisional engineer Sugunarkar informed that the works at Gulla Seetarampuram have started recently. And for developing of Neelaveni temple, the locals have contributed around Rs.1 crore.