On Saturday, Sanjaynagar police of Bangalore city had arrested a HR manager who allegedly insulted the Kannada language, when a delivery boy apologized to him in Kannada for delayed delivery.
The accused is identified as Satwik Sach char, Delhi-based HR manager with in private company and is resident of RMC Layout, Sanjaynagar, Bangalore.
According to police investigation, the incident took place on Thursday evening when Anil M, the food delivery boy, reached Satwik’s house. Satwik had placed an online order for food and delivery boy Anil reached 20 minutes after the scheduled time. Anil explained that there was a problem in the kitchen, which led to the delay. But Satwik was not in mood to listen and abused Anil in English. As Anil he didn't know English, Satwik retorted and abused Kannada Language. Satwik was arrested under 153A which deals with promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., However, satwik is free from jail as he got bail. Further hearings are yet to happen.